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Low cost Bamboo Airways flight tickets from Dong Hung to Da Nang
Find direct Bamboo Airways flight tickets from Dong Hung to Da Nang
Click on the date to see the flight departure and the lowest fares to Da Nang.
Departure time | Cheapest Price | Airlines | |
12:00 | 10.119.000 VND | Vietnam Airlines | |
13:05 | 2.496.000 VND | VietJet Air | |
21:50 | 2.251.000 VND | Vietnam Airlines | |
22:40 | 2.496.000 VND | VietJet Air | |
7:25 | 2.350.040 VND | Vietravel Airlines |
- Airfares include all taxes and fees for 1 adult
- Airfare can be changed depending on booking time and selected seat class
Bamboo Airways flight prices & schedule from Dong Hung to Da Nang in the next 7 days
Cheapest Bamboo Airways flight ticket of the week. Book your tickets now!
Departure time | Cheapest Price | |
28/12 21:50 | 2.251.000 VND | |
29/12 6:25 | 1.607.000 VND | |
30/12 5:45 | 1.599.600 VND | |
31/12 6:25 | 1.445.000 VND | |
01/01 | Updating | |
02/01 | Updating | |
03/01 | Updating |
Browse the best Bamboo Airways airfare promotions & offers from Dong Hung to Da Nang in the next 30 days
Click on flight date to see departures time and the lowest airfare to Da Nang.
December 2024
Find top 3 cheapest days to book Bamboo Airways flight ticket from Dong Hung to Da Nang in the next 30 days
Click on date to see the flight departure times and the lowest fares between the airlines for this route.
Routes | Date | Price | |
From Dong Hung To Da Nang | 31/12 | 1.445.000 VND | |
From Dong Hung To Da Nang | 30/12 | 1.599.600 VND | |
From Dong Hung To Da Nang | 29/12 | 1.607.000 VND |
- Airfares include all taxes and fees for 1 adult
- Airfare can be changed depending on booking time and selected seat class
Lowest cost flights from Dong Hung to Da Nang in the next 30 days from Bamboo Airways and other budget and full service airlines
You can see the lowest fares every day for the next 1 week on the calendar. And each row shows the lowest air fare with no hidden fee of all domestic airlines in Vietnam.
Click on the "Book" button to get your favorite airline tickets right away.
Departure time | Cheapest Price | Airlines | |
12:00 | 10.119.000 VND | Vietnam Airlines | |
13:05 | 2.496.000 VND | VietJet Air | |
21:50 | 2.251.000 VND | Vietnam Airlines | |
22:40 | 2.496.000 VND | VietJet Air | |
7:25 | 2.350.040 VND | Vietravel Airlines |
Tips to find low cost Bamboo Airways flights from Dong Hung to Da Nang
You should book flight tickets a couple of weeks in advance to make sure there are still cheap flight tickets for you. Especially, when you find flight tickets for Tet holiday, you should book as soon as Tet 2023 holiday schedule. By viewing the calendar on the homepage of VeXeRe.com, we list all airfare deals for the next months for your easy selection.
Follow flight discounts. What you can do is follow promotional programs displayed on VeXeRe.com homepage or subcribe VeXeRe mail for weekly flight promotions.
Bamboo Airways is a low-cost airline based in Vietnam and a member of the FLC Group. Bamboo Airways has just started its flight operation in January 2019 for domestic routes to major cities and tourist destinations in Vietnam. Going forward, Bamboo Airways is serving routes to primary cities in Asia, Europe, and North America. With approximately 46 aircrafts, Bamboo Airways is ready to serve a comfortable flight for Vietnamese people and also foreign tourists. Step 1: Go to Bamboo Airways web check-in page Bamboo Airways policyIntroduction about Bamboo Airways
Bamboo Airways Baggage Allowance
Flight Route Seat Class Cabin Baggage Check-in Baggage All routes Economy Class Max. 7 kg (Dimension: 56 x 36 x 23 cm) Available upon purchase: 15 kg / 20 kg / 25 kg / 30 kg / 35 kg / 40 kg Business Class 02 packages x 07kg (Dimension 56 x 36 x 23cm) Available upon purchase: 15 kg / 20 kg / 25 kg / 30 kg / 35 kg / 40 kg Bamboo Airways Online Check-in
Online check-in is also available for Bamboo Airways flights. Please follow the steps below.
Step 2: Enter your booking code, or other booking details, as instructed
Step 3: Complete your check-in details
Step 4: Save and/or print your boarding passFlight refund, rescheduling or cancellation policy
Economy Saver Max Economy Saver Economy Smart Economy Flex Premium Smart Premium Flex Business Smart Business Flex Refund Unavailable Unavailable 350,000 VNĐ 350,000 VNĐ (Exclude Tet holiday 550.000 VNĐ) 350,000 VNĐ (Exclude Tet holiday 550.000 VNĐ) 350,000 VNĐ (Exclude Tet holiday 550.000 VNĐ) 350,000 VNĐ (Exclude Tet holiday 550.000 VNĐ) Change ticket Unavailable 270,000 VNĐ 270,000 VNĐ Free (Exclude Tet holiday 2700.000 VNĐ) 270,000 VNĐ Free Free Free Change name Unavailable 350,000 VNĐ 350,000 VNĐ 350,000 VNĐ 350,000 VNĐ 350,000 VNĐ 350,000 VNĐ 350,000 VNĐ
Search Bamboo Airways flight ticket from Dong Hung to Da Nang for Tet 2025
Cheapest airfares for Lunar New Year 2025 | Vietjet, Bamboo và Vietnam Airlines, Pacific Airlines
Cheapest flights for Tet 2025 between Vietjet, Bamboo and Vietnam Airlines, Pacific Airlines
Tet days (Lunar Calendar) | The cheapest price | Airlines | |
25/12 13:05 | 1.599.600 VND | VietJet Air | |
26/12 17:50 | 1.410.440 VND | Vietravel Airlines | |
27/12 17:50 | 1.270.040 VND | Vietravel Airlines | |
28/12 5:45 | 1.297.200 VND | VietJet Air | |
29/12 17:50 | 1.270.040 VND | Vietravel Airlines |
- Airfares include all taxes and fees for 1 adult
- Airfare can be changed depending on booking time and selected seat class
Most updated Bamboo Airways flight prices and schedules of Chinese New Year 2025 to Da Nang on 28 December
VeXeRe always updates Bamboo Airways flight ticket prices for Tet 2025 to help you get cheap flight deals. Vietnam Airlines, Vietjet Air, Bamboo Airways, Vietravel Airlines, Pacific Airlines... sale opened for Tet 2022 from Dong Hung to Da Nang. Flight schedule for Tet 2025 is continuously updated at VeXeRe.com.
When is the cheapest day to book Bamboo Airways flights from Dong Hung to Da Nang for Tet 2025
You should find flights right as soon as Tet 2025 holiday schedule for low cost flights or book flight 4 months in advance. The earlier you search for flight tickets, the cheaper the airfare will be. Don't let sold-out or high fares affect your trip. On VeXeRe.com homepage, we list the prices of all days in the coming months for you to easily find cheap flight tickets for Tet 2025.
When will Vietnamese airlines allow to book flight tickets from Dong Hung to Da Nang for Tet 2025?
Domestic airlines (Vietnam Airlines, Vietjet Air, Bamboo Airways, Vietravel Airlines, Pacific Airlines) from Dong Hung to Da Nang will be sold in 3 phases. Phase 1 is from mid-September to October, phase 2 is in October and November, the last phase of the remaining months to Tet holiday. The closer to Tet holiday, the more expensive the ticket price. It's better to find flight tickets from the 1st and 2nd phase to buy cheap airfares.
Flight Information from Dong Hung to Da Nang
Flight Information
- Distance817km
- Time on trip2 hours 38 minutes
- AirlinesVietnam Airlines, Vietjet Air, Vietravel Airlines, Pacific Airlines, Bamboo Airways
- Number of flights per day13 Trips / day
- Cheapest one way ticket1.415.000 VND
- Cheapest round-trip ticket2.233.840 VND
- Average price4.363.128 VND
The flight route from Dong Hung to Da Nang is about 817 km long, with about 13 flights per day. The earliest flight takes off at 05:25, the latest flight leaves at 22:40. The cheapest ticket price today is 1.415.000 VND, this week is 1.415.000 VND, the next 30 days is 1.415.000 VND. It will take you 2 hours 38 minutes minutes to fly from Dong Hung to Da Nang.
Frequently asked questions about Bamboo Airways from Dong Hung to Da Nang
What is the flight fare for Bamboo Airways today from Dong Hung to Da Nang?
Currently Da Nang of Bamboo Airways is the lowest from 1.415.000 VND, departing at 6:25
Dong Hung to Da Nang flight from Bamboo Airways departing today earliest?
Currently Vexere.com records flight from Dong Hung to Da Nang airline Bamboo Airways with departure as early as 05:25 hours
Flight Dong Hung to Da Nang departing airline Bamboo Airways latest today?
Currently Vexere.com records flight Dong Hung to Da Nang of Bamboo Airways with the latest departure time at 22:40 hour
Does Vexere sell flight tickets to Da Nang of Bamboo Airways this year?
Vexere.com offers Tet air tickets and bus tickets of prestigious brands from Dong Hung to Da Nang, with the most favorable prices.
Can I take flight Bamboo Airways from Dong Hung to Da Nang?
Cancellation policies and fees for flights from Dong Hung to Da Nang vary depending on Bamboo Airways regulations, class and duration ticket departure time. The lower the ticket class and fare, the less likely there will be a refund or cancellation policy. According to the experience of canceling airline tickets, during Tet, the ticket cancellation policy will often change. The sooner you cancel your ticket, the better the cancellation policy will be and the higher your refund will be. Note, in some cases, you cannot cancel the ticket right before the departure time. In case of ticket cancellation due to force majeure or related to the Covid-19 epidemic, the airline will have ticket cancellation policies to facilitate maximum support for passengers.
Can I change the flight date and time Bamboo Airways from Dong Hung to Da Nang?
The policy and fees for changing flight times and dates for flights by airline Bamboo Airways from Dong Hung to Da Nang vary depending on airline, seat class and ticket departure time. The lower the ticket class and fare, usually there is no policy to change the date and time of the flight.
According to the experience of changing air tickets, during the Tet holiday, the rules for changing tickets will often change. The sooner you change your flight, the better the change policy will be. Note, in some cases, you can't redeem your ticket right at the departure time.
In case of change of flight date and time due to force majeure or related to the Covid-19 epidemic, the airline will have ticket change policies to facilitate maximum support for passengers.
When is the cheapest flight ticket for Bamboo Airways from Dong Hung to Da Nang?
The cheapest day to fly from Dong Hung to Da Nang is 1.415.000 VND day 31/12/2024
Flying from Dong Hung to Da Nang Bamboo Airways requires COVID-19 testing and quarantine?
You do not need to be tested for COVID-19 and quarantined upon arrival at Da Nang.
Specific information you can refer to the text below:
Conditions of flight performance
• For passengers residing/staying in a level 4 epidemic area, a blockade area OR a flight departing from a level 4 epidemic area, a blocked area, the passenger needs to have test results. negative for Covid-19 by RT-PCR method; or rapid antigen test valid within 72 hours from the time of sample collection to before the time of flight departure.
• For passengers not in the above cases: passengers can take the flight without having a negative test result for Covid 19 or a certificate of recovery. This regulation applies to both adult and child passengers.
*Most areas in Vietnam are completely out of the level 4 epidemic, so passengers do not need to be tested for COVID 19
Isolation regulations
• Isolation (according to the instructions of the local health department) for passengers returning from provinces with a high number of Covid-19 infections.
*Most areas in Vietnam are completely out of the level 4 epidemic, so passengers do not need to be tested for COVID 19
Health declaration
From April 30, 2022, passengers traveling on domestic flights do not need to declare health.
Look Up Translation Level Information
Update the situation of Covid 19 epidemic level in provinces and cities of Vietnam.
(Updated according to Official Letter No. 2213/BYT-DP dated April 29, 2022)
How long does the flight Bamboo Airways from Dong Hung to Da Nang take?
The travel time from Dong Hung to Da Nang is 2 hours 38 minutes on flight Bamboo Airways
How many flights are there in a day Bamboo Airways from Dong Hung to Da Nang?
There are approximately 13 flights a day Bamboo Airways
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Direct integration with all best airlines (Vietnam Airlines, Vietjet Air, Bamboo Airways, Vietravel Airlines, Pacific Airlines...
Diverse payment methods
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Attractive deals:
VeXeRe has 50K discount for all the cheapest flights of the day.
Excellent customer support:
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Most Popular routes of Bamboo Airways
Most popular routes to Da Nang
What you should know before flying from Cat Bi International Airport
Cat Bi International Airport address | Le Hong Phong, Hai An, Hai Phong |
Cat Bi International Airport area size | 15630 m2 |
Cat Bi International Airport website | https://www.vietnamairport.vn/catbiairport/ |
Cat Bi International Airport abbreviation | HPH |
Cat Bi International Airport working hours | 24/7 |
Distance from Cat Bi International Airport to downtown Thái Bình | 63 km |
Cat Bi International Airport capacity | 13 million passagers/year |
What you should know before flying from Noi Bai International Airport
Noi Bai International Airport address | Phu Minh, Soc Son district, Hanoi |
Noi Bai International Airport area size | 90000 m2 |
Noi Bai International Airport website | https://www.vietnamairport.vn/noibaiairport/ |
Noi Bai International Airport abbreviation | HAN |
Noi Bai International Airport working hours | 24/7 |
Distance from Noi Bai International Airport to downtown Thái Bình | 121 km |
Noi Bai International Airport capacity | 25 million passagers/year |
What you should know before flying to Da Nang International Airport
Da Nang International Airport address | Nguyen Van Linh, Hoa Thuan Tay, Hai Chau, Da Nang |
{airport.name}} area size | 36600 m2 |
Da Nang International Airport website | https://www.vietnamairport.vn/danangairport/ |
Da Nang International Airport abbreviation | DAD |
Da Nang International Airport working hours | 24/7 |
Distance from Da Nang International Airport to downtown Đà Nẵng | 14 km |
Da Nang International Airport capacity | 15 million passagers/year |
Products for bus operators
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VeXeRe Services Trading Company Limited
Address: Floor 8, CirCO Building, 222 Dien Bien Phu, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Business Registration No. 0315133726 issued by Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh City on 27th June, 2018
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