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Discount 50k
The booking amount from 500k
Discount 25%, up to 100k
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Discount 20k
The booking amount from 200k
Experience the journey to Ho Chi Minh City with many desirable destinations with the Hop On Hop Off bus. Book your tickets and enjoy the ride now!
Travels for about 45 to 60 minutes without stopping at any station.
Central Post Office - Ho Chi Minh Campaign Museum - Saigon Zoo - War Remnants Museum - Bui Vien Walking Street (Liberty Central Hotel) - Ben Thanh Market - Saigon Skydeck - Bach Dang Wharf - Hotel Majestic - Nguyen Hue - City Hall - Opera House - Independence Palace.
*Note: With the 24-hour tour, the bus will stop for passengers to get off and then move (no waiting for guests). Passengers after sightseeing will pick up another bus to continue their journey.
The bus departs continuously for 30 minutes/trip through the stops.
1-hour sightseeing tour:
24-hour sightseeing tour:
Tickets are valid for the day. If you want to change your travel date, you need to get confirmation from the operator via email or text message.
1-hour sightseeing tour:
24-hour sightseeing tour: