Hai Au bus Information
Hai Au bus from Ha Noi to Thai Binh
Hai Au bus service from Hanoi to Thai Binh is a reliable choice for passengers seeking a safe and convenient journey. With a 45-seat bus, Hai Au offers a comfortable travel experience that caters to the needs of various passengers. With ticket prices at just 120,000 VND, it's an affordable option for anyone looking to travel from Hanoi to Thai Binh without worrying about costs.
Hai Au is highly rated by customers, with a score of 4.7/5, reflecting their satisfaction with the quality of service provided. The professional and experienced drivers, along with comfortable seating, modern air conditioning, and attentive customer service, create a smooth and safe journey for all passengers.
Choosing Hai Au bus service from Hanoi to Thai Binh, passengers can enjoy quality service at a very reasonable price. With high customer ratings and tickets priced at just 120,000 VND, Hai Au is committed to delivering a seamless and satisfying trip from Hanoi to Thai Binh.
Phone number, address and pick-up/drop-off points of Hai Au bus operator
Pick-up/drop-off point, bus office
Pick-up/drop-off points of Hai Au bus in Ha Noi: Gia Lam Bus Station.
Pick-up/drop-off point in Ha Noi
Pick-up/drop-off point of Hai Au bus in Thai Binh: Thai Binh Bus Station.
Pick-up/drop-off point in Thai Binh
Gia Lam bus station <> An Lao office <> Vinh Bao office <> Ba Doi <> Thai Binh bus station.
Route of Hai Au bus from Ha Noi to Thai Binh
How to buy Hai Au bus tickets to Thai Binh?
Method 1
Step 1: Click on the link >> Book Hai Au bus ticket from Ha Noi to Thai Binh. Choose a departure time that suits your travel needs.
Step 2: Choose your desired location, pick-up point, and drop-off point, and fill in passenger information.
Step 3: Confirm your booking information and choose a suitable payment method. Make payment and wait to get on the bus.
Method 2
Step 1: Go to Vexere.com, and select the departure/destination point as Ha Noi - Thai Binh. Then use the filter to select the Hai Au bus.
Step 2: Choose the departure time that suits your travel needs.
Step 3: Choose the desired seat(s), pick-up point, drop-off point and fill in passenger information.
Step 4: Confirm the booking information and choose the appropriate payment method. Proceed to payment and wait to board the bus.
After payment, the e-ticket will be sent to the registered email and phone number. At the same time, the bus company will immediately receive the information of the customer booking the ticket, ensuring that the seat you booked is kept.
If you go to the office, please be present about 30 minutes before the bus departure time to prepare to board the bus.
In case of any changes in information or problems, please contact the hotline 1900 96 96 81 (7 AM - 11 PM) as soon as possible for timely support.
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