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Bus ticket from Khanh Hoa to Ha Tinh
(252 ratings)
Standard sleeping bus
23:10 • Thanh Three-way Crossroad
18:30 • Ha Tinh ( Highway 1A )
Safe driving
Bed is comfortable. The staff is cheerful and enthusiastic, whatever the passengers want 😆. Professional drivers drive safely. The car is clean and has a very convenient charging socket in the bed. The car runs on time and is arranged in the right place as booked. Score 10 for the red dragon 👍
(37 ratings)
Standard sleeping bus
01:14 • Thanh Threeways Crossroads
18:04 • Ha Tinh ( Highway 1A )
Maybe it's because I was lucky to meet the easy-going car and driver again
(0 ratings)
Standard sleeping bus
00:30 • Nha Trang Yarn Factory
20:00 • Ha Tinh (Along Highway 1A )
(30 ratings)
Standard sleeping bus
12:00 • Nha Trang (1A Highway)
03:30 • bypass Ha Tinh City
Courteous and enthusiastic staff. New, clean car. The meals were delicious and decent. Generally satisfied.