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Frequently asked questions for your Kien Giang to Sa Dec bus trip
Question: How to get from Sa Dec to Kien Giang ?
Question: How to get from Sa Dec to Kien Giang ?
Answer: Buses/coaches are the best modes and popular of transportation for traveling from Sa Dec to Kien Giang. You can book ideal bus tickets online from Sa Dec to Kien Giang from your home by simply book on Vexere website or app in the sescure, safe and fast online payment. Your bus reservation is 100% guaranteed.
Question: How to book bus/coach tickets from Sa Dec to Kien Giang ?
Question: How to book bus/coach tickets from Sa Dec to Kien Giang ?
Answer: You can purchase Sa Dec to Kien Giang bus/coach tickets by the secure, simple and fast way with the best price on
Question: How do I find cheapest bus tickets price from Sa Dec to Kien Giang ?
Question: How do I find cheapest bus tickets price from Sa Dec to Kien Giang ?
Answer: Thanks to, you can compare buses and find lowest bus ticket prices for your trip from Kien Giang to Sa Dec – at one glance, you can check the bus schedules/timetables, bus fares, reviews and what features and services are offered on the bus
Question: Which bus operators on Sa Dec to Kien Giang bus route are popular and highly rated as vip, luxury bus with hiqh-quality, premium bus amenities?
Question: Which bus operators on Sa Dec to Kien Giang bus route are popular and highly rated as vip, luxury bus with hiqh-quality, premium bus amenities?
Answer: Popular bus companies on Sa Dec to Kien Giang highly rated as the VIP, luxury bus with hiqh-quality, premium bus amenities are Hue Nghia, Vy Phuong bus. See the full list: Kien Giang to Sa Dec bus
Question: How much does it cost to travel from Sa Dec to Kien Giang by bus?
Question: How much does it cost to travel from Sa Dec to Kien Giang by bus?
Answer: The bus ticket price from Sa Dec to Kien Giang varies depending on the types of bus that you choose. It ranges from 150.000VND - 190.000VND.
Question: Which Kien Giang to Sa Dec bus has the best price?
Question: Which Sa Dec to Kien Giang bus has the best price?
Answer: The cheapest / minimum bus fare to Sa Dec from Kien Giang has the price of 150.000 VND from Vy Phương bus. See the full list: Kien Giang to Sa Dec bus
Question: Is the Kien Giang to Sa Dec bus e-ticket in smartphone or tablet acceptable?
Question: Is the Kien Giang to Sa Dec bus e-ticket in smartphone or tablet acceptable?
Answer: After you book your bus ticket from Kien Giang to Sa Dec online with Vexere, you will receive your ticket in your e-mail. E-tickets in smartphone or tablet are acceptable when you book on Follow the instruction at
Question: How many bus providers run from Kien Giang to Sa Dec?
Question: How many bus providers run from Kien Giang to Sa Dec?
Answer: Up to now, there are 2 brands of bus companies operating on the Kien Giang Sa Dec route. See the full list: Bus from Kien Giang to Sa Dec.
Question: How long does it take to travel by bus from Kien Giang to Sa Dec?
Question: How long does it take to travel by bus from Kien Giang to Sa Dec?
Answer: The journey Kien Giang to Sa Dec takes on average 4.7 hours if the road is quite favorable.
Question: What is the distance to travel by bus Kien Giang to Sa Dec?
Question: What is the distance to travel by bus Kien Giang to Sa Dec?
Answer: Travel distance from Kien Giang to Sa Dec by bus is about 202 km.
Question: How many bus trips Kien Giang to Sa Dec daily?
Question: How many bus trips Kien Giang to Sa Dec daily?
Answer: The average Sa Dec Kien Giang bus route has about 3 trips per day on starting from 800 to 1830 pm by about 2 bus companies operating. : Hue Nghia, Vy Phuong
Question: Which bus from Kien Giang to Sa Dec has the earliest departure time?
Question: Which bus from Kien Giang to Sa Dec has the earliest departure time?
Answer: Sa Dec Kien Giang bus bus trip (including sleeper) has the earliest time of departure at 8:00 and belongs to Huệ Nghĩa bus.
Question: Which bus from Kien Giang Sa Dec has the latest departure time?
Question: Which bus from Kien Giang Sa Dec has the latest departure time?
Answer: Kien Giang Sa Dec bus trip (including sleeper) has the latest departure time at 18:30 and belongs to Huệ Nghĩa bus.
Question: Which Kien Giang Sa Dec bus company is considered to be of the best quality, vip bus service?
Question: Which Kien Giang Sa Dec bus company is considered to be of the best quality, vip bus service?
Answer: The Kien Giang to Sa Dec bus company has a bus with premium, high-quality service is bus Hue Nghia from Kien Giang to Sa Dec with a quality score of 4.1/5 based on 670 customer reviews.
Question: Is there any ideal bus for couple from Kien Giang to Sa Dec?
Question: Is there any ideal bus for couple from Kien Giang to Sa Dec?
Answer: Currently, there is no bus companies with a bus to Kien Giang Sa Dec for couples ..
Question: Is there any vip, luxury sleeping bus from Kien Giang to Sa Dec?
Question: Is there any vip, luxury sleeping bus from Kien Giang to Sa Dec?
Answer: Currently, there are 2 Kien Giang Sa Dec bus companies have vip, luxury sleeping bus for couples, including Vy Phương, Huệ Nghĩa, ... In which, Vy Phương bus is the sleeper bus Kien Giang to Sa Dec which is highly reccomended by many customers with 2/5. The price of this type of bus ticket from Kien Giang to Sa Dec of Vy Phương bus is 150,000 VNĐ.
Question: Is there any cabin sleeper bus from Kien Giang to Sa Dec?
Question: Is there any cabin sleeper bus from Kien Giang to Sa Dec?
Answer: Currently, there is no bus company that has a vip, high-class sleeper bus to Kien Giang Sa Dec
Question: What are the payment options I can use for online bus ticket booking to Sa Dec from Kien Giang on
Question: What are the payment options I can use for online bus ticket booking to Sa Dec from Kien Giang on
Answer: We have multiple sescure, safe and fast payment method for you to book your bus from Kien Giang to Sa Dec such as:
Bus service from Kien Giang to Sa Dec | |
Distance | 202 km |
Time takens | 4.7 hours |
Average Price | 170.000 VNĐ |
Number of buses | 3 trip |
Total Operators | 2 companies |
The best bus / coach Kien Giang to Sa Dec - Dong Thap has a quality classification based on a customer rating from 1 to 5 {1: worst, 5: best} with criteria such as: bus quality, Punctuality, Quality service on This review is written directly by customers who have experienced the bus companies Kien Giang to Sa Dec - Dong Thap.
Quality of Kien Giang Sa Dec - Dong Thap bus is rated with an average score of 2.7/ 5 reviewed by 670 passengers. In which, the best bus company from Kien Giang to Sa Dec - Dong Thap is rated 4.1/5 by 670 is Hue Nghia.
Currently, according to the latest update of, the bus ticket price to Sa Dec - Dong Thap from Kien Giang ranging from 150000 VND - 190000 VND. In which, Vy Phương has the cheapest bus ticket price, only 150000 VND. Book genuine Kien Giang Sa Dec - Dong Thap at for the affordable price, reserved seats are 100% guaranteed and free ticket exchange support. Call 1900 888684. for free consultation, booking and exchange of tickets. .
Almost all the bus companies on the Kien Giang - Sa Dec - Dong Thap own high-quality sleeper bus Kien Giang to Sa Dec - Dong Thap. The sleeping bus Kien Giang Sa Dec - Dong Thap is fully equipped with modern equipment to serve the traveling needs of passengers. Besides, Sa Dec - Dong Thap to Kien Giang bus companies always focus on service quality, constantly improving to bring perfect experience to passengers
Bus companies from Kien Giang all own high-quality bed buses. Besides, passenger car companies Kien Giang Sa Dec - Dong Thap always focus on service quality, constantly improving to bring perfect experience to passengers.
Best sleeper bus Kien Giang to Sa Dec - Dong Thap generally rated medium with an average rating of 2.0/5 based on 670 reviews of passengers who have booked and used the sleeping bus Kien Giang to Sa Dec - Dong Thap.
The cheapestbus ticket price for Sa Dec - Dong Thap to Kien Giang sleeper bus is 150000VND of the bus company Vy Phương. Depending on your seating position and the promotion, the fare for Kien Giang to Sa Dec - Dong Thap night bus may be cheaper.The fact that there are a lot of Bus from Kien Giang to Sa Dec - Dong Thap gives visitors a variety of choices. This can also be a disadvantage that makes customers not know which garage is right for them. In addition, the guarantee of booking, getting a favorite seat after booking a bus ticket to Sa Dec - Dong Thap from Kien Giang between the garage and the customer after booking directly is not 100% guaranteed.
So in order to easily compare prices, see quality evaluation of the outgoing cars, get the highest benefit, enjoy many discounts on bus tickets Kien Giang Sa Dec - Dong Thap, passengers can book ticket at website - The best quality and most prestigious bus booking system in Vietnam, guaranteed 100% reservation. For any purchase of bus tickets to Sa Dec - Dong Thap from Kien Giang at Vexere is committed to solve the problem. Discount coupons or refunds will depend on each case.
Instructions for booking tickets at
Step 1: Visit the Vexere website or download the Vexere app on CH Play or App Store.
Step 2: Select your departure point, destination, departure date, then select "FIND TICKETS".
Bước 3: Select the bus company to go to {Destination} from Sa Dec - Dong Thap, the appropriate departure time. Click on the time slot you want to go to proceed with your booking.
Step 4: Select the seat / bed, pick up point, drop off point and enter passenger information when booking a bus ticket for Kien Giang to Sa Dec - Dong Thap
Step 5: Choose the appropriate form of ticket payment and proceed to pay for the ticket.
The booking and payment for bus tickets to Sa Dec - Dong Thap from Kien Giang is also very simple and convenient when supports up to 06 different payment methods, including:
See detailed instructions, illustrated by images here
Limousine Bus
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